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Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Morsy Declared Egypt's New President (6-24-12); But Will He Be Only A Puppet In The Ruling Generals Hands?

Just after the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsy was declared the new Egyptian president (June 24, 2012) the questions began to pour in.  Someone asked me if I thought this victory by the Muslim Brotherhood was a clear fulfillment of Isaiah 19:4.  Here is what the verse says:

"And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts."

Frankly, at this point, I would have to say no.  The Egyptian military generals are still well in charge.  It is very likely the new president will be nothing more than a puppet at best.  The Muslim Brotherhood will have to wrestle power away from the generals if they are to truly rule.  That's not going to be easy.  

The US has no desire to deal or work militarily with the Muslim Brotherhood either.  They are way too heavily invested in the present status quo military leaders (generals) to start over.  

But the questions that everyone will be asking are far from trivial: what powers will President Morsi have? And what type of leader will he be; an ideologue or a unifier?

Despite the jubilation in Tahrir Square that ran on loud and long into the night, the announcement of the election marks the beginning of a new list of questions.

First, by the time the election winner was announced, a pincer movement of the old regime had diluted his powers, to the point where the political strength of the office will not be decided for some time.

And even if he rules will he be able to govern? Ahead of the final presidential run-off earlier this month the Supreme Court ruled that the parliament had to be dissolved, removing an important pole of power for the Brotherhood, whose political party had dominated the assembly. The people lost their sole elected representatives in Egyptian public life (The National).

At his point in time Morsy will be nothing more than a paper tiger president.  The generals may permit the Muslim Brotherhood to have their president but they're not giving up power.  Not without a bloody life and death fight.  

At some point Isaiah 19 will be fulfilled.  This may be the beginning stages, but we're not there yet.

Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                   Last Updated June 24, 2012 

Muslim brotherhood wins egypt president morsi morsy 6-24-12, what future holds for egypt morsi morsy, prophecy isaiah 19:4 muslim brotherhood president, what is the future for egypt muslim brotherhood