Abbas Hopeful For Palestinian State Next Year

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September 4, 2005

Abbas Hopeful For State Next Year
KRON 4 Bay Area Sun, 04 Sep 2005 4:52 AM PDT
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip Some hopeful words today from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (mahk-MOOD' ah-BAHS'). He's expressing hope that a Palestinian state will be established by next year.

Bush's Proposal For A Palestinian State: Former U.S. Advisor Aaron Miller Says Bush Hopes To Establish A Palestinian State Based On 1967 Borders By The End Of His Term - Ynet
Former U.S. advisor Aaron Miller says Bush hopes to establish a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders by the end of his term

President George W. Bush has developed a no-lose initiative that he hopes to deploy by the end of his administration: a Palestinian state with provisional borders, which includes the Gaza Strip and 85 percent of the West Bank, Aaron Miller claims in an article published in the International Herald Tribune Friday.

Abbas To Meet Bush, Putin And Blair In New York Palestinian Leader: Meeting With Sharon Has To Be Official, Part Of
Palestine Media Center Sun, 04 Sep 2005 3:11 AM PDT
Ahead of a Quartet meeting in New York on September 20 and a summit meeting with US President George W. Bush on September 14, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday that peace talks with Israel should resume immediately after the completion of the Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip, but did not expect a meeting soon with Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon because “Sharon until now 

Hamas' Secretive Military Wing Emerges
ABC News Sun, 04 Sep 2005 3:56 AM PDT
Hamas' Secretive Military Wing Emerges From Shadows to Claim Credit for Israel's Gaza Pullout .

Abbas Looks For Peace Talks To Resume
ABC News Sun, 04 Sep 2005 3:56 AM PDT
Palestinian Leader Abbas Tells AP Peace Talks Should Resume Immediately After Gaza Pullout.

Iran’s Prophetic Destiny: The Gog, Magog Battle On The Immediate Horizon - Bill Wilson
WASH—Aug 29—KIN—The man who blew the whistle on Iran’s secret nuclear program two years ago, Aliraza Jafarzedeh, is now saying that Iran’s military is intimately involved in Iran’s nuclear program, and that it is not for peaceful purposes, but rather for military purposes.

Jafarzedeh, in a news conference at the National Press Club last Friday, told reporters that his reputable sources inside Iran say there are several nuclear installations that the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency has not yet inspected. These plants, he says, are developing nuclear materials in conjunction with the Iranian military. Meantime, the Iranians are close to deploying nuclear capable cruise missiles that can reach well into the heart of Europe, nearly 2,000 miles in any direction from Iran, Jafarzedeh said.

I just read this statistic off of a website that I occasionally frequent regarding the U.S. involvement in the Israeli land for peace initiative over the past fifteen years.

"Standing with former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush discusses the plans to help people affected by Hurricane Katrina in the Oval Office Sept. 1, 2005. While these men were actively involved in the negotiations to divide Israel’s covenant land the United States experienced nine of the ten costliest insurance events in U.S. history; six of the seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history; three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history; nine of the top ten natural disasters in U.S. history ranked by FEMA relief costs; and the two largest terrorism events in U.S. history."

Former U.S. advisor Aaron Miller says President Bush has a goal of establishing a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders by the end of his presidency.  That's only a few years away!  Whether that will happen or not is debatable but I certainly wouldn't rule it out. 

Could this be the peace agreement the Bible speaks of in the Bible?  I can't say for sure, but somewhere in the mix a seven-year peace treaty between Israel and the antichrist must come about if it is.  The U.S. already has a long-standing relationship with Israel so I can't see how a peace treaty (with a time limit) would come into play. 

I still hold to the belief that the antichrist will rise up out of the European Union and the peace treaty will more than likely include membership or at least neighborhood status.  This will give Israel protective and economic rights within the E.U.  The whole world will at least outwardly give Israel favored nation status and they will be invited into the world community.

Of course, I can't see the future and anything can happen in a very short time.  I was talking to a reader who was giving his theory on what will happen in the future.  He stated he didn't believe the rapture or the tribulation period were as close as many believed.  He also gave his reason and I do respect that.  But one thing many discount is when the rapture takes place the Holy Spirit (restrainer) will be taken as well.  This is the protecting force that has held back satan for centuries from performing his evil deeds to their full extent.  When I say "to their full extent" obviously much evil has taken place over the course of history but not to the extent if the Holy Spirit were not there to prevent it.  When satan has full reign he will move quickly and the course of this world will change forever in a very short time. 

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not your time is running out!

Pastor Malone

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