Ahmadinejad Isn't Kidding;  Dead Sea Oil Explorations Will Turn Up Major Find

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October 22, 2006

A couple of days ago, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted the collapse of Israel and the resulting "boiling wrath" against their allies.  

This is no empty threat and one day soon we may be waking up to a massive attack (if we're still here) against Israel.  I do look for Ahmadinejad to make his move soon but it might be after Israel strikes oil.  That would be Russia's incentive to get in on the attack

As you may know, I believe that Israel is sitting in the middle of a dip stick oil field but just haven't found the key to this hidden treasure...yet. This is said to be the best quality oil in the world and runs very deep much like a great funnel that spreads at the top throughout the entire Middle East. The best part is Israel is located at the lowest point below sea level in the world.  This means that the oil will run down toward them and possibly draw oil away from surrounding countries.  When Israel begins to harvest the oil reserves they could literally be siphoning the oil right out from under the Arab's and probably the Russian's as well.  In time, they will eventually run dry as Israel sucks the oil away from the outer regions of the reserve and down toward them (Israel). 

This could explain why Russia will lead the Arab world in a sneak attack against Israel in the last days (Ezekiel 38, 39).  Before, I couldn't quite understand why Russia would get involved in such an attack.  Yes, they have been getting cozy with the Arab world as of late, but I never felt that was reason enough to attack Israel.  There have also been rumors in the past that the Dead Sea was loaded with valuable minerals and other deposits, but to date, nothing has materialized of significance. 

Particularly puzzling is the reason the Bible states why they will attack, "to take a spoil" (Ezekiel 38:12).  But as I stated, Israel really has nothing of great value.  That will all change if this exploration turns out to be as big as projected.  It will also be fuel to the fire if it proves to pull oil away from other oil producers such as Russia.  Oil has become a cash cow not only for the Arab world but for Russia as well.  They are presently the world leader in oil exports and production. 

I will keep you posted on further developments of this story.

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Pastor Malone