Israel Expects Turbulent 2007 In Mideast; Doomsday Clock To Move Closer to Armageddon

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January 13, 2007

'Doomsday Clock' to move closer to Armageddon

Israel Expects Turbulent 2007 In Mideast

US: No plan to strike Iran

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Rice: There are new options for peace

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I don't know if you've heard, but a group of prominent scientists and security experts say that the world is inching closer and closer to Armageddon.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has kept a doomsday clock since 1947. The founders of this group of scientists were made up of the scientists who created the atomic bomb. They established this group out of concern for what could happen in time as nuclear technology advanced.

Throughout the history of the group the clock has been moved 17 times and most recently in 2002 when the US pulled out from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and terrorists were known to be seeking nuclear and biological weapons. At this time, the clock is seven minutes before midnight.

It's very scary to think that the world's most prominent scientists believe we are living in the last days based on science. It's also scary to think that their timetable is virtually identical to that of the prophetic timetable. 

Take the time to read the above article in its entirety.  I guarantee it will shock you.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is on her way to Israel and says there are new options for peace in the Middle East.  When she arrives, she will try to sell the Saudi plan but will stress that the Arab world must get on board if it is to work.

"She added that she wanted to look into the possibility of advancing the road map, and perhaps even accelerating the process to its end and examining what could be done in order to establish a Palestinian state.",2506,L-3351673,00.html

Almost 70% of Israeli Jews said they believe that the Arab populations of Samaria, Judea, and Gaza would destroy the state of Israel if given the opportunity.

Certainly, they're not the only ones!  You can add to that list Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the list goes on and on. Although, Russia could care less about this ongoing Islamic-Israeli feud, you could probably add them to the list as well.  Eventually, they are going to play into the mix but for a different reason.

Despite the clamor of peace in the Middle East, Israeli intelligence suspects that 2007 will be a very turbulent year for Israel...and the dangers will probably come from all sides. "For the first time in many years, there is no positive window of opportunity in the Middle East," the assessment said. "We must come to terms with this and prepare accordingly."

I have to agree with this assessment.  Unless something miraculous takes place Israel is heading for war in the very near future.  When I say miraculous, I mean an 11th hour peace plan comes forth and is implemented in the region.  But there is a second option...Israel could soundly defeat their enemies forcing them to retreat back to their hiding places.

Personally, I don't know which is going to come first war or peace.  On the one hand, Ezekiel 38:11 leads us to believe that Israel will be living in peace when Russia and the Islamic world come calling.  Of course, this proposed war of 2007 may not even materialize, and if it does, may not be the war the Bible speaks of in Ezekiel.  As we know, things can change in a heartbeat that can send world events in a totally different direction. We can speculate as events unfold but the ultimate direction belongs to the Lord.

In light of the poll that stated that most Israeli Jews believed that the Arab's, if given a chance, would destroy Israel makes one wonder if peace is even possible.  Certainly some form of peace will be established when the Antichrist steps onto the stage.  That doesn't necessarily mean it will be with Israel and the Arab world.  I suspect it will be given the current situation, but after reading an article on the mindset of the Islamic world and how they think, war may come first.

Take a look at part of a commentary written by Joel Rosenberg, entitled "Twelfth Imam Could Appear This Spring, Says Iran".  This will give you a look at how the Islamic world thinks and the leaders that drive it.

"Too many Western analysts are missing the central importance of Shiite eschatology in Iranian foreign policy. They mistakenly believe that Iran's current leadership can be somehow cajoled into making peace with the West. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cadre of loyal mullahs are not being driven by the same goals and aspirations as are the diplomats in Washington, Brussels or at the United Nations. The President of Iran and his team fervently believe the Islamic Messiah is coming back soon, possibly as soon as this Spring. They are convinced that their divine mission is to create the conditions for the Mahdi's return. As a result, they are committed to instigating more anti--American violence in Iraq, not less. They are determined to obtain nuclear weapons at all costs, not negotiate away their atomic research and development program. What's more, they are deeply committed to building political and military alliances with anti-Western powers, not finding accommodation with the West.

Bottom line: the leaders of Iran are preparing for an apocalyptic war with the U.S. and Israel. It's not a question of "if" but "when." The sooner the White House and our new Congressional leaders realize this and take decisive action to stop this nuclear nightmare, the better."  For the complete article I recommend that you go to

For this reason, one must consider the possibility the battle of the Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Gog And Magog) may take place before the rise of the Antichrist.

I leave this conclusion to each individual reader.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

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Pastor Malone