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Abbas: We Could Have Peace By May 2008

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas will most likely meet on Tuesday to further discuss the principle core issues for the upcoming November '07 Middle East peace summit.

While addressing his seriousness toward his commitment to peace Chairman Abbas said that "the olive branch of peace that never withers or dies, will not fall from my hands."

"Today, there is not the slightest obstacle to promoting the holding of (the upcoming) peace meeting, in particular because our brother Arab countries have demonstrated through the Arab Peace Initiative their true readiness to bring about a just, lasting and comprehensive peace," Abbas said, referring to the Arab proposal that offers peace in exchange for land.

"This is why we are very committed to the substance of that meeting as proposed...We would hope all parties would sit down to negotiation."

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told Abbas that it would be imperative for both the Israelis and Palestinians to make brave decisions if peace was to be established.  

"We must be brave in our decisions, but smart enough to advance the political process in a realistic and educated way, and thus avoid failure."

On Friday, Chairman Abbas said that Israel and the Palestinians could sign a peace agreement as soon as six months after the US sponsored Middle East peace summit.

"The meeting in November should define the principles settling the questions over the final status (of the Palestinian territories)," Abbas said in an interview with AFP in New York, where he is attending the UN General Assembly.

"Then we will begin negotiations on the details under a timeframe, which ought not to exceed six months, to reach a peace treaty," he continued.

Later on Friday, he said that he was fully committed to the peace summit and saw no reason for it not to succeed in going forward.

"We are very committed to the substance of that meeting, as proposed," Abbas added. "We would hope all parties would sit down to negotiate."

Abbas said that previous discussions with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had opened an "historic horizon" to end the conflict. He said those "in depth" talks would contribute to achieving results at the international conference.

"From this podium of the United Nations, I say to the Palestinian people in Palestine and abroad, I can tell them that there is a historic horizon emerging so that our people can restore their legitimate rights and achieve peace and prosperity to which we aspire," he said.

If you are a Christian, one thing should jump out at you...we could be staring at peace between Israel and most of the Islamic world by May of 2008.  Both sides seem to be very optimistic regarding the prospects of success unlike anything I have ever seen in recent history.

So what's next on the agenda?  Well, we at the Calvary Prophecy Page believe that the Bible supports a pre-tribulation rapture which I believe is the next thing on the prophetic calendar.  Does that mean that we should be looking for the rapture within the next six to nine months?  Truthfully, the rapture could happen today but only the Lord knows when He will come for His bride.  I will not venture a guess but things certainly look to be heading in that direction.  As I have always said it has to happen at some point (I Thessalonians 4:13-18).

If you remember, a couple weeks ago I outlined two possible theories that could set the stage for the peace accord between Israel and the antichrist. Ultimately, the the Bible says the peace accord with Israel will be with the antichrist ( Daniel 9:27).  Listed below are a few scenarios and directions this agreement could take:

Certainly, this could lead the way to the seven-year agreement (November Middle East Peace Summit) the Bible has prophesied for thousands of years (Daniel 9:27).  But it could also be the pre-agreement that brings down the Russian-Islamic alliance prophesied in Ezekiel 38:1-23 & 39:1-12.  If you remember, Ezekiel writes, just before the attack, Israel would be living under peace and safety (Ezekiel 38:8-14) in their own land.  So far, that day (peace & safety) has not come to Israel, but if all goes as planned, following the summit, that day may arrive. 

Theory #1: Even though this agreement may have a seven-year (?) timeline attached to it, it will be cut short by the invading armies of the North.  And as Iranian President Ahmadinejad unknowingly prophesied they will come upon Israel as a great storm (Ezekiel 38: 9), but will be miraculously defeated by God Almighty.

Following this great war and defeat, a leader out of the European Union will come on the scene and bring peace to the Middle East confirming the peace plan the Israelis and the Arab nations started (Daniel 9:27).  Included in this agreement will likely be a guarantee of Israel's security and may even allow for them to become full members of the EU.  But halfway through the seven-year plan he (antichrist) to will betray Israel.

Theory #2:  Israel and the Palestinian Authority go to the November peace summit, and either on that day or sometime in the near future, agree to a Middle East peace plan.  A leader out of the European Union will be given credit for making peace a reality.

The plan will call for Israel and the Palestinian Authority to accomplish all written articles within the seven-year timeframe of the agreement.

Within one year, Russia and host of Islamic nations will break the peace and attack Israel.  But as the Bible predicted over 2000 years ago ( Ezekiel 38 & 39) these invading armies will be soundly and miraculously defeated.

Following this great defeat, the antichrist will restore calm to the Middle East and reassure Israel of his future protection.  World peace will prevail for another 2-3 years, but at the halfway point of  the peace agreement, the antichrist will betray Israel and declare himself to be God.

Both Theories Sound Identical
You may say, both theories seem to sound the same.  They do seem to be the same but with these differences.  In theory #1 the original agreement will be signed without the involvement of the antichrist.  He will not get involved until after the Russian-Islamic alliance attacks Israel. But following the war, he will restore calm to the Middle East and guarantee Israel's safety from that point on.  He will confirm the peace treaty that the Islamic nations made with Israel and from that time on will begin the seven-year tribulation period.

In theory #2 the antichrist is involved throughout the Middle East peace process and will be given credit for making it a reality.  But, shortly into the agreement, the Russian-Islamic alliance will attack Israel. Following the defeat of Russian-Islamic alliance the antichrist will restore calm but no new agreement will be made.  He will, however, take measures that will assure the world that the Middle East peace agreement is still in tact and unaffected.  Miraculously, Middle East peace will go forward for another 2-3 years until the antichrist breaks it himself.

Prophecy Alert: An Iranian general while on a diplomatic visit to Syria said that they would not sit by idol if Israel/US or both were to attack Syria again.  Also, many in the global intelligence community are saying that a strike on Iran is imminent.  The following excerpt was taken from a French newspaper regarding a possible timeframe: 

"Like most stories in the French paper, the article was based on unnamed sources who said that in order to reduce casualties, the attack against Iran is planned for October 15, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Israel would bomb the first targets while America would orchestrate a second wave of strikes, the report said."

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                                                                Last Updated September 29, 2007